One life: healthier, happier

Feel Happier and Healthier!
Lose Weight, Regain Energy and Redefine your Relationship with Food

Feel excited, energetic, and confident again!!

Join our 21-Day Challenge and our FB Private Coaching group and get started on the path of a healthier lifestyle at your own pace and time!

Here’s Everything You Get:

Access to our web-portal:

  • Fitter and Confident webinar ($200 Value)
  • Guided workout plan ($300 Value)
  • Health and Fitness Lesson: Nutrition, Motivation, Self-care and Well-being ($150 Value)

Lifetime Access to our private FB group:

  • Online fitness classes on FB group ($272 Value)
  • Weekly live health and fitness coaching session on FB group ($100 Value)
  • Lifetime access to our exclusive FB group ($150 Value)

Enjoy friendly and supportive interaction with other like minded members

Total Value: $1172

But today, you're getting all of this…


Request Access to our 21-Day Challenge for FREE

Enter your details to get access to Integral Wellness 21-Day Challenge for FREE
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You can sign up to receive email updates from topics that may interest you.
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Today’s exclusive special offer: Full Access to 21-Day Challenge + Lifetime Access to our Private FB Coaching Group for FREE

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What Will You Learn?

  1. How to overcome the lack of motivation
  2. How to create a plan you can stick to
  3. Complete program for you to follow from anywhere
  4. How to safely do every move and progress
  5. How to find the time to workout
  6. How to quickly pick groceries to cook anything
  7. Quick meal prep
  8. Key ingredients to avoid
  9. And much, much more!

I want to feel better, healthier to enjoy life with family and friends!

Request Access to our 21-Day Challenge for FREE

Enter your details to get access to Integral Wellness 21-Day Challenge for FREE
Email *
First Name *
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You can sign up to receive email updates from topics that may interest you.
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We coach our clients to take their time, to be patient and to enjoy their health and fitness journey! It’s much easier and the results stay forever.


  • Are looking for a long lasting results
  • Don’t want to wait for to get started on you Transformation
  • Want to get energized with our easy to follow program
  • Want to lose excess fat, get more defined, strong & feel great about yourself again!
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About us


Your mind and body are connected and coexist creating the most amazing and unique structure: yourself. Both mind and body need to be nourished daily by integrating a variety of foods, forms of movement, sensations, thoughts and feelings for ultimate health and happiness.

At Integral Wellness, we want you to feel good about yourself, no matter your size, no matter what you've been eating or what you can do. When you walk into our programs, you are moving, you are improving, you’re going to feel good.


The simple idea of exercising may be very intimidating, so we work so hard to create an inviting atmosphere that everybody loves. To overcome fears or uncertainties we make sure to always deliver a welcoming and encouraging experience. We make it fun, friendly, and not competitive, but still pushing everyone to give their best and improve.

We always want to learn more about everyone to bring individual solutions. Everyone can make the steps to live a healthy and active lifestyle, full of energy, enjoying great foods, and loving themselves.

Being true to the lifestyle we promote, we are able to build trust, because we are honestly there to help and not to judge.

Our team is passionate about creating a positive environment, and always able to deliver motivational sessions that really promote a change, while you enjoy every step of your journey, feeling motivated and accomplished.